Our philosophy is the beginning of a vision service that is different from any other shop.
Overlook the advantages and disadvantages.
If we keep thinking, "I must take this advantage and I will not lose this advantage." nothing good
will happen. That only makes you exploitable to other people. We focus on helping people and
what the customer will receive from us. What we can do to help them is more important than just
selling. If we can overlook how to exploit others, we can see that a world with happiness is better
than just a business.
Eyesight is more about health than business.
If the owner sees that the optical shop is just an optical shop, I must earn a profit. We believe you
are only a businessman, not someone willing to help others with their eyesight. Eyesight is about
physical health, which is very important to everyone. If you keep thinking only a profit from eye
care, you will forget that we are taking care of other people's eyesight to see what they love.
The customer asking for help, not just to buy glasses.
Customers who come into the shop might only want to have eye examination or want some
consultation on their eye problems with an expert. Helping them with the knowledges we have
will achieve maximum efficiency for both parties.
Do not lower the quality just because you are afraid of a lower margin on the profit.
We decided to use the best equipment that meets international standards in our business for more
accurate results. We promise that we will help everyone as best as we can.
We focus on helping society rather than selling. We want everyone we care about to have access
to a standardized eye examination.